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[INFOGRAPHIC] 5 Rules For Super-Strong Passwords

[INFOGRAPHIC] 5 Rules For Super-Strong Passwords

For the last several years, industry experts have been sounding the alarm about password security.  We’ve known for quite some time that one of the biggest weak spots in corporate security is the fact that employee passwords are notoriously weak. Millions have been spent on security education.  Seminars have been held on the dangers of using weak passwords and using the same password across multiple websites.

Endless rounds of training courses have been held trying to ram the point home.

The result? Not much has changed. According to a recent survey conducted by Google, two out of three users surveyed are still holding firm, using the same bad password habits they were before all the money and time was spent trying to convince them of the errors of their ways.

With that scary thought in mind…here are 5 really important rules to keep in mind when developing super-strong passwords.  It truly is the best way to protect your identity and your data.

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